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The WHO Pandemic Treaty – What It Really Means…

The WHO Pandemic Treaty – What It Really Means…

The WHO Pandemic Treaty – What It Really Means… 


A new, dangerous World Health Organization pandemic treaty is a threat to all Australians.

The next World Health Assembly, which will take place in Geneva, May 22 to 28, 2022, will vote upon proposed amendments to the International Health Orders (IHO).

The vote is to make the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations mandatory on member nations. Australia is a member.

If the vote is successful, Australia will then need to ratify the new arrangement by way of passing legislation through Federal Parliament, handing power over Australia to the WHO in the event of a pandemic.

The Liberals have already expressed support, it is most likely that our globalist uniparty (Liberal, Nationals and the ALP) will wave these measures through with only One Nation in opposition.

IHO regulations are a comprehensive guidebook to implement even worse restrictions than Australia suffered through during COVID-19.

Measures specifically provided for in the regulations include lockdowns, hard borders around quarantine zones, vaccine passports, mandatory check-in and contact tracing, mandatory health tests, mandatory removal and quarantine.

Even worse, compulsory vaccination is part of the International Health Regulations, and may now be forced on all Australians if this vote succeeds.

Regulations are in place for as long as WHO decides is necessary.

The World Health Organization can declare a pandemic without justifying or even publishing their reasons. There is no appeal, no transparency, no fairness.

In 2009-11 WHO created a false pandemic called H1N1. This disease also “escaped” from a lab and was no worse than a bad flu, a fact not in dispute today.

The WHO response to H1N1, if repeated for the next lab “escape” of a manufactured virus, will implement International Health Orders in Australia, including forced vaccination and forced removal & quarantine.

The police and armed forces have already demonstrated their support for these measures during COVID.

One Nation strongly opposes the ceding of our sovereignty to the UN and WHO. Unelected, unrepresentative foreign bureaucrats should not have the power to lock Australia down and force Australians to undergo medical procedures.

The Government should never have the power to force a medical procedure without your consent, an unelected international organisation certainly should not.

This brazen proposal shows the WHO is not fit for purpose, cannot be trusted and does not operate with Australia’s sovereign interests in mind. Australia must immediately exit the WHO and maintain our sovereignty.

Authorised by Senator Malcolm Roberts, Brisbane

Michele Bachmann on WHO Amendments: “This creates a platform for global governance”





OFFICIAL MOVIE: “2000 Mules”

OFFICIAL MOVIE: “2000 Mules”

OFFICIAL MOVIE: “2000 Mules”


This is the official 2000 Mules movie by Dinesh D’Souza.

Dinesh on how “2000 Mules” shows that Trump easily won the 2020 election:

“In this movie, we show that there are at least 400,000 fraudulent votes and when you look at them state by state…And if you re-do the electoral map, you’ll see that means that Trump WON the 2020 election.”

Trump winning is now a proven fact. They cannot hide from this truth.

Do you really think that they want this situation exposed? You know this movie must be “over the target” when –

      • Twitter is removing “2000 Mules” accounts and trying to block posts about this.
      • Movie theatres in major US cities are refusing to show the film.
      • Major news media are either ignoring it or trying to “fake fact check” it.
      • The US Supreme Court is being threatened about investigating further.


Response to Ben Shapiro’s Critique of “2000 Mules.”


Here’s what Ben Shapiro gets wrong about “2000 Mules.”



Riccardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack Pre Election Interview

Riccardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack Pre Election Interview

Riccardo Bosi and Aussie Cossack LIVE – Pre Election Interview




Riccardo Bosi answering a barrage of hard and controversial questions in style regarding the 2022 Federal Election and his policies on a raft of issues.

Lots of topics covered in this pre-election interview of Riccardo by Aussie Cossack on May 9, 2022


Not sure how to vote for your electorate? Go to this site to get your online “How to Vote” card in your own electorate.

Print it out and take this card with you on polling day.

“Put the Majors Last” site here. 





COVID – The Lies, The Truth and Hope for the Vaccine Injured

COVID – The Lies, The Truth and Hope for the Vaccine Injured

COVID – The Lies, The Truth and Hope for the Vaccine Injured


In this timely and important interview, Riccardo speaks with Dr Bryan Ardis who is an internationally recognised authority on the deception surrounding COVID. He has been interviewed by leading German lawyer and member of the German Corona Investigative Committee, Dr Reiner Füllmich amongst many others.

Dr Ardis discusses the demonstrable lies by Dr Anthony Fauci and his National Institute of Health, the truth about the medical profession and also describes in detail what we can all do to reverse our illnesses and return to optimal physical health.






3D, 4D, 5D Consciousness EXPLAINED

3D, 4D, 5D Consciousness EXPLAINED

3D, 4D, 5D Consciousness EXPLAINED –

The Complete Guide To Shifting From 3D to 5D



What Does It Mean To Shift From

3D To 4D To 5D Consciousness?

In this video, Tom explains the shifting from 3D, 4D, 5D dimensions of consciousness (sometimes called densities). This evolution in consciousness from 3D to 4D to 5D happens during the spiritual awakening / ascension process.


Here is some further reading –


What Does It Mean To Shift From 3D To 4D To 5D?

3D To 5D: What It Means To Shift To This Higher Consciousness

10 Key Differences Between 3D, 4D & 5D State Of Consciousness




Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation

Walking Meditation


In 1936 the famous track star Jesse Owens had just won 3 Gold Medals at the
USA Olympic Trials. He knew he was training very well and had as good of a chance to win as anyone and probably better than most. But he was worried that he was going to Berlin Germany and a funny white man with a moustache had just become Chancellor of Germany and was talking about the Superior of the “Aryan Race.” This man was Adolph Hitler.

Jesse’s coach took him outside after practice and a shower one day about 6 weeks before the Olympic event would happen and taught Jessie “Walking Meditation”. And it changed the World! 




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