Dr Ardis discusses the demonstrable lies by Dr Anthony Fauci and his National Institute of Health, the truth about the medical profession and also describes in detail what we can all do to reverse our illnesses and return to optimal physical health.
How to Vote in Australia in the Next Election
If you want your vote to count for Freedom in the next election in Australia, then watch this video by Topher Field. Best use of marbles ever to explain how our preference system works.
Clive Palmer: The Most Important Speech for Australia
Clive Palmer and the United Australia Party have delivered ideas since 2013 that have consistently been adopted by both Liberal and Labor parties because they are good ideas and good for the country. Listen to Clive Palmer highlight a number of concerns and provide the policy to Save Australia, to pay down our National Debt and to ensure our Freedoms are not taken away from us again.
Honest Government Ad – The Floods
Honest Government Ad – The Floods. Something light hearted and amusing for the moment! Enjoy!
First Nation’s People Make History In Canberra
March 25, 2022 – First Nation’s Elders serve documents to the Governor General (David Hurley) through the Australian Federal Police at Government House Canberra.
Senator Malcolm Roberts Drops Bombshells in Senate after COVID Under Question Inquiry
The evidence continues to mount that these vaccines do not deserve the continuing provisional approval given to them by the TGA. Concerns about possible adverse side effects are too big to ignore any longer.
Aussie Floods, Weather Manipulation, Agenda 21 & Climate Lockdowns
A great video by Dale describing the weather modification using chem trails that is happening on the east coast of Australia in late February, early March 2022 and the terrible damage it has inflicted on the land, to humans and the animals.
How Cloud Seeding Makes It Rain Artificially
Controlling the weather may still be years away, but scientists and farmers are using a technology called cloud seeding, which makes water vapour in clouds to collide, turning it into precipitation that would not otherwise fall to earth. But how does it work and who does it benefit?
Australia One Party (A1) – Update March 3, 2022
Covered in this AustraliaOne Update –
– Ukraine
– Cloud Seeding (Weather & Floods)
– Testing on Oz Military Personnel
– Publicly Funded Private Dams
– Australian Children Saved from Paedo Ring
– Governor General
– Joe Biden
– Pfizer
– Reserve Bank
– Clinton Foundation
– Canberra Rallies