Meet Conspiracy Music Guru, who exposes the world’s greatest deceptions with lyrics that inform and teach, and together with an understanding of the power of 432Hz his music delivers a natural vibration which has had a profound impact and resonance with his fans. Conscious music is what the Conspiracy Music Guru is all about.
A Message From Teymara
A Message From Teymara. Here Teymara is reading out 50 points about the new earth in the future. and humanity will join together to celebrate!
3D, 4D, 5D Consciousness EXPLAINED
What Does It Mean To Shift From 3D To 4D To 5D Consciousness?
In this video, Tom explains the shifting from 3D, 4D, 5D dimensions of consciousness (sometimes called densities). This evolution in consciousness from 3D to 4D to 5D happens during the spiritual awakening / ascension process.
Walking Meditation
In 1936 the famous track star Jesse Owens had just won 3 Gold Medals at the USA Olympic Trials. Jesse’s coach taught Jessie Walking Meditation. and it changed the World!
EFT Tapping for Anxiety and Fear
Today I’m sharing with you a powerful video from NY Times best-selling author Nick Ortner (“The Tapping Solution”) that will not only show you how to use this technique known as EFT Tapping, but in which Nick will even take you through a process that will quickly leave you feeling calm and peaceful.
How To Attract Abundance With Energy Clearing
I am excited to introduce you to this amazing way to change your mindset for success in anything you want in your life. I just purchased this course myself and I have found this truly is a way to make real change by getting rid of the blocks that have prevented me from getting me to where I really want to go in life and finding my life’s purpose. Is this something that may be of interest to you, to find out what blocks are getting in your way?
How To Meditate!
Meditation, when it is practiced correctly, allows you to consciously enter the dream world and explore it. You can enjoy a totally new level of experience, unknown in the outside world. It is also actually the easiest way of becoming fully alive.
Affirmations – What Questions Are You Asking Yourself?
“Affirmations” – New “Afformations” Training and Formula For Abundance…
Find out if you are asking yourself the RIGHT questions for your “afformations” in this video with Mike.
Asking yourself the right kind of questions may just be the missing piece to reprogramming your subconscious mind to hitting all the goals that you ever shoot for…
How To Improve Your Personal Development
If you are considering working on your personal development, doing a little research first would benefit you. There is a vast amount of information available on this subject, so it is in your best interests to take the knowledge you learn here and apply it towards being the best person you can possibly be.