This Special Presentation reveals the ‘Strawman’ you never knew you had and how the government has created this scam to swindle every single person out of their God-given sovereign rights.
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! Listen to the UN whistleblower here.
The Voice Referendum Scheme Exposed
In this video, Lurnpa David Cole, an Indigenous leader exposes the Corporate Globalist Australian Government’s ‘The Voice’ Scheme to Referendum of the People. He speaks of the plan to alter the Constitution and to take away the natural sovereign rights of ALL the Australian people.
Our Indigenous Family are AWAKE
Don’t be shocked when you hear this Indigenous lady state her views so honestly about the forth coming referendum for The Voice, the UN, the New World Order and the satanic world we are currently living in. She is brilliant and spot on with everything she says.
PLANDEMIC 3 – THE GREAT AWAKENING and SOUND OF FREEDOM with Jim Caviezel. Here are the trailers for these two new truth movies being released in June and July. Exceptional viewing!
Important UNVEILING THE SHADOWY WEB: Illuminati, Papal Knights, and Secret Alliances! Prepare to be astonished as we peel back the layers of clandestine power and hidden connections that span centuries. See the Tweet here.
The Great Awakening (2023) Full Documentary
The film that assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. Relevant to all countries at this time and particularly to Australia, this movie proves that if we remain complicit and continue to comply to their rules and mass formation control, here is the result – living in a truly socialist/ communist world and how that world will look.
Recorded in 1967, This Perfectly Describes the World Today
Imagine a world where nothing is random and major events that happened worldwide were written down hundreds of years ago. What you are about to hear were recorded in 1967 and it perfectly describes the world we live in today.
Q – The Plan To Save The World
This classic film, “The Plan To Save The World” is said to have red pilled millions into realizing that the world is in a fight to save itself from the globalist cabal who is behind every bad thing that has happened to the world over the past 100 years at least.