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Common Law Movement with Wayne Glew

Common Law Movement with Wayne Glew

Common Law Movement with Wayne Glew

Meet Wayne Glew, a Commonwealth Public Officer and a Commonwealth of Australia Constitutional Expert. As a former police officer, he has been studying Common Law and the Constitution for 50 years. He has a lot of experience and knowledge from his own dealings with the courts etc over the years. With the referendum for “The Voice” being such a big topic of discussion in Australia at this time, the public needs to learn as much about this topic as possible.

Here Wayne explains his take on the Constitution, both Federal and State, Parliament and some history of how we got to where we are today and what it all means. This is a must watch video interview. 

The Great Seal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (on the left) …. under which an Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 (UK) was written in Letters Patent.


The Great Seal of Australia …. a Trade Marked Logo for the corporation known as COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (Capital letters). A company registered with the Securities Exchange Commission in Washington DC, USA.



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The Voice Referendum Scheme Exposed

The Voice Referendum Scheme Exposed

Lurnpa David Cole Exposes the ‘The Voice’ Referendum Scheme

In this video, Lurnpa David Cole, an Indigenous leader exposes the Corporate Globalist Australian Government’s ‘The Voice’ Scheme to Referendum of the People. He speaks of the plan to alter the Constitution and to take away the natural sovereign rights of ALL the Australian people.

No to Treaty and No to the Voice

The Tribes say no to an Indigenous Voice to Parliament and No to a Treaty, because they have not been consulted and do not want to have others making decisions for them that they are not aware of.

To enter anyone into a contract or agreement there must be full disclosure and informed consent, there has been no consultation with most of the Tribal people. The Aboriginal people pushing it can only speak for their own country and not others, to do otherwise is breaking our law.

The Treaty and Voice are nothing but corporate agreements and a trap for the Tribal People across these lands and we Say NO!


Our Indigenous Family are AWAKE

Our Indigenous Family are AWAKE

Our Indigenous Family are AWAKE! Tweet


Wow…. Our Indigenous Family are AWAKE!  

This lady can’t be any more direct: “They are using us black fellas to bring in a Satanic world order”


Save our sovereignty and save our indigenous people from being used like pawns in this sick UN AGENDA.


Don’t be shocked when you hear this Indigenous lady state her views so honestly about the forth coming referendum for The Voice, the UN, the New World Order and the satanic world we are currently living in. She is brilliant and spot on with everything she says. 


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FCB (Freedom Channel Broadcast, who is Australian) gives his latest news and intel as well as answering questions from his audience with Doug from New Zealand.

Topics include: the plan from Q and where we currently are, the movement of the military throughout the USA and Canada and other countries, the financial crash and what that entails, the take over by the white hats who are now in control of everything, the timelines of all of this, what to look out for in the coming weeks and what to prepare for and more! A very informative session.

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Biblical – A flood is coming

Biblical – A flood is coming

Biblical – A flood is coming

A flood is coming and it is going to be biblical.

The floodgates are opening for the public to see with all of the information starting to flow and the proof of crimes perpetrated by certain elite, including the Bidens. It is going to be an amazing time to be alive while we are shown what is real and true and what is not and all the lies that we have been taught about our history and all areas of our lives!

Watch as the MSM has to reveal things that up until now they have kept hidden from us!

Have a listen here to what he points out for us to ponder!




The symbolism of Admiralty Law – The Federal Court building – which is in the shape of a ship under sail!

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It is important for your family and Australia as a whole that you understand what is going on right now with actions we can take to avoid the atrocities of global corporations.

The actions of the Whitlam government and successive Australian governments has led us into a very deep dark corporate black hole where we as a people may lose our rights, our land and our country. As Australians we can be complacent when it comes to government. Most people have blindly trusted the government to look after the people of Australia. It is now apparent that this is NOT the case.

Watch this video for an explanation of where we are heading with the so-called referendum for “The Voice”.

Here is an older video which explains how the Australian Government stole our Future, our Rights, and a whole Continent.

How the Australian Government Stole Our Future


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