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Wartime President Trump

Wartime President Trump

Wartime President Trump – Special Decode with FCB

Freedom Channel Broadcast (FCB) Decoder takes you beyond the black veil and reveals the uncomfortable truths based on mathematical impossibilities, facts, evidence and receipts.

FCB explains how and why President Trump has been a wartime president in conjunction with the military occupation we have been living under for the last few years. In this video FCB shows how everything is being done totally lawfully using old laws dating back to 1700’s and according to the DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY 2023 with reference to the “Q” alert posts which FCB decodes and which can be found here.

This is a long video with much information on where we are right now with the Inauguration very close and what the public could expect in the coming days! Very worthwhile to watch in it’s entirity.


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