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Meet Pascal Najadi

Meet Pascal Najadi



Meet Pascal Najadi

Pascal Najadi is a retired Swiss investment banker, film maker and author. He is best known for producing movies like Grounding – The Last Days of Swissair (in 2006) which was voted as one of the best films in Swiss film history. He also produced Rebel News (2015), and National Citizens Inquiry.

Pascal is the son of Hussain Najadi, who was a co-founder of the WEF (World Economic Forum) along with Klaus Schwab. His father left Klaus Schwab’s organization when he discovered what the WEF was really about but continued to speak out against its actions. Hussain Najadi was assassinated in Malaysia in 2013.

Former Swiss Military Officer Pascal Najadi joins AJ Roberts on his show to discuss in detail the deep military operation we have been in for some time under Executive Orders, the Law of War Manual under Space Force.

We are at a tipping point in human history and current operations being carried out behind the scenes and in plain sight are edging us ever closer to complete removal of the Deep State and it’s enslaving agendas.

Pascal who has been damaged by the COVID-19 shots has been on a mission ever since to bring charges for crimes against humanity and high treason against the globalists that have waged war on “We the People”. He sued Swiss president Alain Berset for abusing his office and making false statements on Swiss television regarding COVID-19.

Have a look at this interview with former British soldier, AJ Roberts.


Pascal mentions the work done by Derek Johnson in this video. Documents with the executive orders and other military documents can be found at this page –

Derek Johnson’s Military Documentation.


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Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon

Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon

Dr Richard M. Fleming PHD/MD/JD ~ Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon


Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.

He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease.

In one of the most comprehensive breakdowns of COVID-19, Dr. Richard Fleming explains how the COVID-19 virus has never been isolated and was developed as a bioweapon with subsequent bioweapons (COVID-19 Vaccines) which were launched on humanity.



Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease.

A powerful, well-documented exposé of those criminally responsible for the bioweapon known as SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Fleming reveals the published studies detailing how the engineering of this virus has unfolded over the past twenty years. He also documents the money trails of those involved. A short and exciting read.

Click the image to see the full description of the author and his book.

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