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Forrest of the Fallen

Forrest of the Fallen

Forrest of the Fallen

What is “Forrest of the Fallen”?

Forrest of the Fallen is a very poignant display of posts with placcards attached with pictures of people who have suffered adverse effects or (sudden) death after receiving the vaccination shot for COVID–19. People with debilitating side effects or people that have passed away following the effects of the vaccine. Have a listen to this lady who explains it beautifully in this video.

On Sunday June 4, 2023, we had a day for “Forrest of the Fallen” in my town on the Mid North Coast, NSW. There were around 100 people who were honoured with a banner at the park below where I live. It is quite emotional when you actually see a display like this before your eyes and it makes you realise the severity of what has been bestowed on people to comply which then puts their health and life in great jeopardy. Here are some photos.


Here is a very touching video of another day dedicated to the Fallen and adversely affected people.

More information and videos at Forrest of the Fallen video site on Odysee

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World Premiere: Died Suddenly

World Premiere: Died Suddenly

​World Premiere: Died Suddenly

A Stew Peters Presentation


What is going on in our world? Millions of people worldwide are dying suddenly, after being injected with the covid vaccines. What is being found in their blood vessels seems to come straight from a horror movie. This is happening in every country of the world!

Why do we never believe them? For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world – even to the point of carving them into stone. And yet……. we never seem to believe them.

The Stew Peters Network is proud to present DIED SUDDENLY, from the award winning filmmakers, Matthew Skow and Nicholas Stumphauzer.

Leading world scientists warn humanity




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Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon

Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon

Dr Richard M. Fleming PHD/MD/JD ~ Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon


Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19.

He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease.

In one of the most comprehensive breakdowns of COVID-19, Dr. Richard Fleming explains how the COVID-19 virus has never been isolated and was developed as a bioweapon with subsequent bioweapons (COVID-19 Vaccines) which were launched on humanity.



Dr. Richard M. Fleming is a physicist, nuclear cardiologist, and attorney with fifty-three years of research experience. He has spent decades investigating what causes multiple health problems including heart disease, cancer, and SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. He joined the American Heart Association in 1976 and actively began teaching and researching heart disease; including both what causes heart disease and how to accurately find heart disease.

A powerful, well-documented exposé of those criminally responsible for the bioweapon known as SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Fleming reveals the published studies detailing how the engineering of this virus has unfolded over the past twenty years. He also documents the money trails of those involved. A short and exciting read.

Click the image to see the full description of the author and his book.

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WORLD PREMIERE: Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors (17) Finally Speak Out!

WORLD PREMIERE: Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors (17) Finally Speak Out!

WORLD PREMIERE: Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors (17 of Them) Finally Speak Out! Part One


Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.

For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. 



Part 2: Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out! 




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