This Special Presentation reveals the ‘Strawman’ you never knew you had and how the government has created this scam to swindle every single person out of their God-given sovereign rights.
Australian Police to Arrest Government Officials Involved in ‘mRNA Genocide’
There’s a rebellion growing within Australia’s law enforcement – one that has the corrupt elites looking over their shoulders. From street cops to senior prosecutors, a small but determined group of white-hat officers have seen the evidence. They know the truth. And they are preparing to act.
Trump’s War on Human Trafficking
What is something that’s never covered by the mainstream media…..?
Whether you are conservative or liberal, there is one horrible problem that EVERYONE can agree upon….Human Trafficking.
The Greatest Show on Earth 2
It’s now 2024.
America has had Biden in office for almost a full term. Things have gotten worse with Biden economics and the high cost of living due to extreme inflation. Meanwhile, rogue forces are doing everything they can to take down Trump at full speed. How deep can this rabbit hole go and what needs to take place from now on?
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! Listen to the UN whistleblower here.
The Greatest Show on Earth (2023)
This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump, Covid-19, the 2020 election, Joe Biden’s funeral, J6 setup, and how the continuity of government through the current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on earth.
Fall of the Cabal Documentary – Full
This documentary was made by researcher and author Janet Ossebaard from the Netherlands, with the aid of countless ‘Anons’ across the world. It contains thousands of hours of research. The Fall of The Cabal ls about the downfall of the 1%, often referred to as the Cabal: a small group of people who run the world through their excessive wealth and power. They concocted an evil master plan to completely dominate and submiss humanity … a plan in which corruption, secret services, secret societies and high treason reign supreme.
PLANDEMIC 3 – THE GREAT AWAKENING and SOUND OF FREEDOM with Jim Caviezel. Here are the trailers for these two new truth movies being released in June and July. Exceptional viewing!
The Great Awakening (2023) Full Documentary
The film that assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. Relevant to all countries at this time and particularly to Australia, this movie proves that if we remain complicit and continue to comply to their rules and mass formation control, here is the result – living in a truly socialist/ communist world and how that world will look.