Dr David Martin’s presentation during the International Covid Summit (hosted by the European Parliament). Dr David Martin is now an established champion in the covid war. This global intellectual property expert led the way exposing decades of patents and other intellectual property evidence of the premeditated covid crimes.
Pharma Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events
Senator Malcolm Roberts asked the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) important questions as part of a recent Senate Public Hearing. Listen to what questions he asked.
Forrest of the Fallen
What is “Forrest of the Fallen”?
Forrest of the Fallen is a very poignant display of posts with placcards attached with pictures of people who have suffered adverse effects or (sudden) death after receiving the vaccination shot for COVID–19.
Jab Injuries Australia
Sudden injuries and excessive disease and deaths have become all too common since the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. But many governments and the worldwide mainstream media deny any link to the COVID-19 vaccines. This has resulted in societal and medical gaslighting and minimal assistance for the vaccine injured.
World Premiere: Died Suddenly
What is going on in our world? Millions of people worldwide are dying suddenly, after being injected with the covid vaccines. What is being found in their blood vessels seems to come straight from a horror movie. This is happening in every country of the world!
Covid-19 is a Man Made Bio-Weapon
In one of the most comprehensive breakdowns of COVID-19, Dr. Richard Fleming explains how the COVID-19 virus has never been isolated, was developed as a bioweapon with subsequent bioweapons (COVID-19 Vaccines) which were launched on humanity.
WORLD PREMIERE: Conference of Conscience – Australian Doctors (17) Finally Speak Out!
Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians. Here, 17 of them speak out.
COVID – The Lies, The Truth and Hope for the Vaccine Injured
Dr Ardis discusses the demonstrable lies by Dr Anthony Fauci and his National Institute of Health, the truth about the medical profession and also describes in detail what we can all do to reverse our illnesses and return to optimal physical health.
Senator Malcolm Roberts Drops Bombshells in Senate after COVID Under Question Inquiry
The evidence continues to mount that these vaccines do not deserve the continuing provisional approval given to them by the TGA. Concerns about possible adverse side effects are too big to ignore any longer.