Meet Conspiracy Music Guru, who exposes the world’s greatest deceptions with lyrics that inform and teach, and together with an understanding of the power of 432Hz his music delivers a natural vibration which has had a profound impact and resonance with his fans. Conscious music is what the Conspiracy Music Guru is all about.
On “Moms On A Mission”, Miriam Shaw and Bo Polny expose the global financial fraud, discuss the coming shift in wealth, the coming Golden Age and how gold and silver could be your lifeline in turbulent times.
Dane Wigington Explains Geoengineering to Col. Douglas Macgregor
Dane Wiggington explains to Col. Douglas Macgregor how PATENTED TECHNOLOGIES manipulate the storms – Geoengineering. Dane shows the NEXRAD proof of how the DoD and contractors are controlling the storms and influencing Hurricanes and Weather warfare.
Meet Nicola Charles who is running for the Federal Senate with “The Great Australian Party”. Here she has a few important things to address – The Australia Act and The Sellout.
The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious “sustainability goals”. This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! Listen to the UN whistleblower here.
Follow Up From The Windmill Energy Whistle Blower
Here is Australian Alex Nichol, following up with Michael and Jason after her previous video which went viral about the wind turbines in Australia. Alex has a discussion with special co-host Jason Miles and Michael from Cafe Locked Out channel, as they invited her back on to answer their questions.
Pharma Funded TGA Downplays Pfizer Adverse Events
Senator Malcolm Roberts asked the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) important questions as part of a recent Senate Public Hearing. Listen to what questions he asked.
Renewable Energy Australian Whistle Blower
An ex Australian Government employee blows the lid off the renewable energy scam. Did you know that wind turbines need coal fired power in order to operate? Otherwise the turbines do not begin to turn. They also require huge amounts of oil to maintain their function. Whistle blower tells all.
Your Government and Property Ownership
Following on from the previous post, Wayne Glew is giving his expert opinion and advice on many topics including property ownership in Australia, the proclamation of the Constitution of Australia on July 9, 1900, the function of the States and Councils and the seemingly forgotten power of “We the People” who make up the Commonwealth.