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Fake Joe Biden Mask Exposed

Fake Joe Biden Mask Exposed

Fake Joe Biden Mask Exposed


Is Joe Biden fake? Is this an actor? What is going on?

Chris is going to answer this question in the most concise, yet comprehensive manner in this video. Look at this footage with an open and analytical mind using critical thinking to really look deeply at the attributes of both these people to really distinguish the qualities and the characteristics you will see before you. Then you can decide.




A ready to wear mask above.

These silicone masks are now so realistic you can easily be fooled into believing that these are the real person.

Some videos and images here to ponder.



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Recorded in 1967, This Perfectly Describes the World Today

Recorded in 1967, This Perfectly Describes the World Today

Recorded in 1967, This Perfectly Describes the World Today


Imagine a world where nothing is random and major events that happened worldwide were written down hundreds of years ago. What you are about to hear was recorded in 1967 and it perfectly describes the world we live in today.

Recorded by Myron C Fagan, a famous Hollywood writer who rose through the ranks of the Hollywood elite uncovering some nasty secrets along the way. He made it his life’s work to expose the darkness that he personally saw with his own two eyes.

This recording is the culmination of his life’s work and through a historical lense he reveals what has been hiding in the shadows for hundreds of years. What you are about to hear is not conspiracy theory but rather documented historical fact that holds up to the most rigid scrutiny – The Illuminati and the Council of Foreign Relations.

The NWO has been a coordinated effort that has involved banking cartels, tech companies, pharmaceutical companies, media conglomerates, the education system and the Deep State.

In this well put together research the key figures are outlined and the satanic doctrine that they follow through secret societies, are explained. The findings by Mr. Fagan were split into 6 parts, between 3 records at the time and are presented to you here, in this full version (audio) below. 



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NSW State Election 2023 Update

NSW State Election 2023 Update

NSW State Election 2023 Update 


Riccardo Bosi and Dave Graham aka “Guru” speak about the upcoming NSW state election on March 25, 2023.

Here they explain what needs to be achieved to obtain the balance of power in NSW. Australia One as a group have 18 candidates for the upper house.

In this video you will hear the words of Riccardo and Guru as they talk about life changing issues. Very interesting topics discussed, worth listening! 

Edited on March 10 – The original video I had posted here has now been removed from the source for some reason. This tells me that the information discussed in it for the election must have been right on. I am now posting this older video for your information.

NB. As of the date of closing for candidates nominating for this election, Australia One Group have obtained 18 candidates (from the initial 2) now listed for this election as Independents for the upper house of NSW.



The site mentioned in the above video has now been launched in order to obtain volunteers for the Australia One Group campaign. Please register at this address if you can help out in various capacities listed on the site.


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As a retired Australian Army veteran, Riccardo Bosi does an outstanding job at explaining military warfare in this video. He breaks down the differences between the colours of the hats, eg white hats, black hats, orange and yellow hats and more, which helps to better understand why this war effort has been taking far longer than anyone has expected.

Riccardo has provided us with a terrific overview of where we are and where this situation is likely to go. A stunning assessment of the problems and the goals. I seriously have not seen a better description of the process we are currently undergoing.

Love Riccardo Bosi… such an articulate gentleman and honorable man. A must watch!


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Q – The Plan To Save The World

Q – The Plan To Save The World

Q – The Plan To Save The World

All Parts 1-6, Joe M, Storm Is Upon Us


This classic film, “The Plan To Save The World” is said to have red pilled millions into realizing that the world is in a fight to save itself from the globalist cabal who is behind every bad thing that has happened to the world over the past 100 years or more. 

This classic piece starts off with an overall introduction to the idea of “criminals” which we can all understand, but then escalates into a crescendo of understanding as we realize everything is connected, and how the media has helped to destroy society so as to usher in a horrible new world where everything is run by a handful of evil elites.

A MUST WATCH for anyone who wants a true perspective. 



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Q and Ascension – A Chat with FCB, Honey, and Shanti

Q and Ascension – A Chat with FCB, Honey, and Shanti

Q and Ascension – A Chat with FCB, Honey, and Shanti


Meet FCB, (Freedom Channel Broadcaster) who is an Australian expert in the decoding of the Q Drops. Honey is an intuitive and a healer and links a lot of things together to bring a deeper understanding for people. Shanti is also intuitive and likes to put it all together with her research. In this interview, the three of them discuss the current world situation in some detail covering a number of topics.

The Q drops are used by the military in the Q Plan which was created after the assassination of JFK, (President Kennedy) in 1963. JFK created the Special Forces to bring the power back to the people and to destroy the evil of this world. The Q plan was designed to wake up the people organically and FCB explains this in this video, which is a very informative video. 

Currently, we are getting rid of the world’s evil and we are trying to fathom the enormity of this plan while we are trying to create the Great Awakening all at the same time, which is huge.

Enjoy this chat.


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