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Strawman The Great Government Scam

Strawman The Great Government Scam

Strawman: The Great Government Scam

This Special Presentation reveals the ‘Strawman’ you never knew you had and how the government has created this scam to swindle every single person out of their God-given sovereign rights.

The Strawman Common Law is for living and free men and women according to the Republic of 1776 – Governed by [The Original and authentic Constitution for The United States of America]

Maritime law is for a legal fiction known as the strawman according to the corrupt democracy of 1871 [Act of 1871] known as the UNITED STATES INC. Governed by [The Fake and fraudulent Constitution of The United States of America]

Notice the difference: Constitution (for) The United States of America, [The Real One] and Constitution (of) The United States of America, [The Fake One]

“Birth” Certificates and Social Security liability under Corporation of America

You are the “Stock” of the corporation traded on the stock market like cattle. The Act of 1871- Which turned America into a corporation thus making its citizens property of that entity.

More information can be found here on X – 




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What Is the Quantum Financial System (QFS)

What Is the Quantum Financial System (QFS)

What Is the Quantum Financial System (QFS)?


Have you heard of the QFS? Quantum Financial System?

In this video Captain Kyle takes you through some history of our global financial systems to explain where we are today, how we got here and where we are going in the very near future both financially and health care wise.

The world is about to go through the biggest transfer of wealth that it has ever seen.

Exciting times ahead incorporating NESARA / GESARA, XRP and XLM.

Enjoy this video which is full of information that everyone needs to know. 

DISCLAIMER: This is the work of the video author Captain Kyle. I give you this purely for information and entertainment purposes as I am not any kind of financial advisor.